During our Monday evening meeting on November 21, 2022, two of our volunteers were recognized for their contributions to the team.
2nd Lt Paul Moen was recognized for his tremendous service and dedication to the team. In all the entire ICSSAR Team has donated 6k hours of their own time to support the mission of the ICSSAR Team. 700 of those hours were primarily for the maintenance and upkeep of our ICSSAR equipment and vehicles and a third of those hours were solely dedicated by Paul Moen. Just this past week Paul worked with other team members to fabricate the snowcat (picture included) to allow us to attach a stokes basket. This will one day prove to be a game changer in the ability for us to rescue an injured party efficiently and effectively in difficult snow terrain. Paul has gone above and beyond to provide an amazing amount of dedication and unselfish work to support the team! Hats off to you! Thank you!!!
CJ Harward was recognized for his ongoing contributions and response to the numerous callouts we’ve had recently. CJ plays an essential role on the snow team having years of personal experience on snowmobiles as well as professional experience as a volunteer with ICSSAR. CJ was one of the key response volunteers that endured 40-50 mph sustained winds with wind gusts reaching 65 mph, to include rain, hail, snow, etc. on the late evening of November 8, 2022. CJ’s years of experience doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. He continues to go above and beyond to ensure the safety of the team. CJ takes the time to explain to newer volunteers’ proper response protocols as well as demonstrating the correct way to secure equipment and vehicles. Always a job well done, CJ! Thank you!!!