ICSSAR Team Member Recognition  

Monday Night Meeting

March 18, 2024

Sheriff Carpenter attended our ICSSAR Monday night team meeting to give special recognition to 2nd Lieutenant Jim Harmon.  Over the last several weeks, Jim has spent hundreds of hours of his own time working with the people from Utah Communications Authority in support of their efforts to update and reprogram all the two-way communication radios for the County. He has traveled across the state on his own time to meet and train with others to gain the knowledge needed to accomplish this task. These updates were not only for the radios used by SAR but also for other agencies including the Iron County Sheriff’s Office, Cedar City PD, Parowan PD, Iron County Emergency Management, Cedar City Fire, Enoch PD, State Fire, SUU and many others. Accordingly, his volunteer efforts in this endeavor have saved the county several thousands of dollars. He worked closely with the UCA and the County departments to coordinate getting hundreds of radios, (mobile and handheld), updated and programmed within a short period of time, most of them in a two-day period. It should also be noted that the update is not entirely complete as there are more steps needed to complete the new updates at a later date and Jim has already began working on coordinating this as well. Jim’s willingness and expertise to help with this effort, as well as the many hours of volunteer time he spends keeping the SAR equipment and building in an “always ready” condition and the amount of time he spends supporting and contributing to trainings and searches can never be emphasized or appreciated enough.

Please join us in thanking Lt Harmon for his dedication and outreach. 

Photo Credit: Thank you to Buck Naegle for the photos!

#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SupportSAR #SoThatOthersMayLive #TeamRecognition

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