We would like to take the opportunity to recognize and thank Brian Schnee, News Anchor, KUTV Salt Lake City Utah, for his support of our organization. Brian has not only recognized our team in multiple articles but other teams in Southern Utah. Just recently he helped to spread the word regarding missing hiker, Austin Madsen, in Garfield County. We truly appreciate him helping to spread the word to our community and throughout the State of Utah, on the activities occurring in Southern Utah, whether it be our response to searches or other outreach activities. He never skips a beat to share and spread the information. Thank you, Brian!
We also recognize many of our community groups and partners (Iron County Sheriff’s Volunteer Pose, Utah Sheriff Search and Rescue Association, etc.) and individuals also take the time to share our posts to other forums on social media. THANK YOU! The more we can keep our communities aware of what is happening in Southern Utah and in their backyards, the better informed everyone will be.
#IronCountySheriffSearchAndRescue #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #ICSSAR