Three Peaks Model Port
April 18, 2024
The Drone Team held a team training on Thursday evening at the Three Peaks Model Port. They had 8 drones to rotate among the pilots for them to learn about the different styles of drones. They use the time to teach each other about the different models, different flying capabilities, different speeds, etc.
The team also tested the team’s newest technology addition! They now have First Person View (FPV) goggles! What are FPV goggles? Glad you asked. The goggles give the pilot an immersive experience in the drone’s flight. The viewing is crisp, it doesn’t look like you’re looking through a camera. You’ll see in some of the pictures a few of the team members wearing the goggles. Besides feeling a little dizzy after, they all agreed the experience is phenomenal and a game changer for drone pilots.
The team also works on their communication skills between each other. At one point they had 3 drones flying at one time, two pilots using the FPV goggles and one without goggles. They needed to communicate with each other where their drones were flying. This a great simulation exercise of what could take place during an active search and rescue event when time is of the essence.
Finally, the team tested the active track functionality. Active track is used when you pinpoint your target and identify it through the drone software which gives the drone the order to track the target. You can see this in the aerial picture of the team where there is a green marker around a person. That person was me. And in the bottom right corner, you see my tracks, I tried to outrun the drone, but it stayed with me the entire time!
Keep up the great work Drone Team! Thank you for your dedication to continued training!
#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SupportSAR #SoThatOthersMayLive#DroneTeam #DronesinSAR