On Thursday, Sept. 26 at 5:52 p.m., SAR received a callout for an injured mountain biker in the area of the Southview and Lychen It trails.  

The exact location of the injured female was unknown, so the group deployed via two different approaches in an attempt to reach the subject.  

Iron County Sheriff’s deputies and members of SAR were able to locate the person and were joined by EMS personnel.  

An assessment of the injuries showed a puncture wound to her forearm caused by a collision with a tree, but no other serious injuries were discovered. The patient was able to walk out on her own, escorted by members of the Search and Rescue as well as Sheriff’s Deputies and EMS. Once they reached the parking lot, she was able to transport herself out of the area.

In total, there were 14 members of Search and Rescue, including one member of the Mountain Bike team, 3 Iron County Sheriff’s Deputies, and 2 EMS members from the Gold Cross Ambulance service. 

The unit deployed 3 trucks, 3 ATV’s and 1 mountain bike to the call.

The call was closed at 7:30 p.m.

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