Zion Overlook/SR 14
Male and 2 dogs stuck in a vehicle
March 21, 2023
At 11:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, the Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Snowmobile Team received a call-out of a reported male stuck near the Zion Overlook on SR-14. He also had his two dogs with him. He did try to call a tow truck, however, due to the traitorous weather conditions with heavy blowing snow, they were unable to reach him. 7 ICSSAR volunteers responded. Our 1st lieutenant remained at the building for communications as the other 6 went into the field. We used two trucks, our CAM-AM and 4 snowmobiles. The team staged at Woods Ranch because the snow was so bad they couldn’t go any further with their vehicles. They were able to reach the stranded motorist and rescued him and his doggies. He was also provided a ride home. Please be aware our team’s priority is to rescue people, not vehicles. It is up to the responding team’s discretion if they can clear a vehicle from a precarious situation and feel comfortable with the occupant transporting the vehicle safely out of the area, otherwise, the team will ensure the safety of the person by transporting them and allowing them to coordinate retrieval of the vehicle when road conditions improve. The team arrived back to the building at 230am and concluded the mission.
A huge thank you to Andrew Johnson, David Whitehead and Cache Miller for their amazing pictures and videos capturing the tough weather and road conditions. The videos have been uploaded to our YouTube channel. You will definitely want to check these out! And make sure to subscribe to our channel so you get notified when we upload new rescue videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS8-PoZR0BMJK7hwxUrP0vw
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