June 16, 2024

Missing adult male

Newcastle, Utah

The ICSSAR was put on standby at 18:00 hrs. for a possible missing person in the Newcastle area. Once more info was received, standby was upgraded to a callout for the unit for a missing 59 Y/O male at approx. 18:40 hrs. SAR arrived on scene at approx. 19:40 and begin the search. The citizens of Newcastle were a huge help in providing more information about the subject which helped the responding volunteers to focus their searching efforts in specific areas. Searchers split into multiple teams of two and were able to locate footprints and develop a possible direction of travel. The subject was located by residents of Newcastle and SAR personnel and was found in good health. The subject insisted on walking home. The unit utilized and deployed 3 trucks and 3 ATV’s, 3 dogs and 1 drone. There were 14 SAR volunteers, 1 Iron County Deputy and 1 Iron County liaison involved with the search. Our thanks and gratitude go out to the residents of Newcastle for their help and information in locating the subject!

#ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #SupportSAR

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