Cedar City

Lichen Trail, Southview Trailhead

Female broken leg

October 27, 2023

At 12:22 P.M. on Friday, October 27, 2023, Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers responded to an alert of a female with a broken leg on the Lichen It trail located at the Southview Trailhead (TH) in Cedar City. The Mountain Bike Team was also paged specifically to respond directly to the trail to make initial contact with the injured hiker. The first mountain bike team member, Curtis Stevenson, made initial contact with the injured hiker and was able to mark the confirmed coordinates of her location in the CalTopo App. This served to be a crucial factor in our response time and method used. The initial GPS coordinates that came in put us about three miles away from the patient’s location. Three miles is a lot when you’re hiking on foot and mountain bike and carrying medical gear.  Three medics from Gold Cross ambulance arrived shortly behind Curtis and began rendering aid to the patient.  The rest of the ICSSAR team members arrived and utilized the ATV trails provided to us by Utah BLM to drive our side-by-side to be within a few hundred feet of the patient. This drastically reduced our time to package the patient and transport her down to the ambulance located at the TH parking lot.  We had 8 ICSSAR volunteers who responded, this includes 2 members of the Mountain Bike Team, along with 3 Iron County Sheriff’s Deputies and 3 Gold Cross Ambulance medics. The team used one stokes basket and one side by side to assist in the transport of the patient. The mission concluded shortly after 2:00 P.M. It was a pleasure working in collaboration with the Iron County Sheriff’s Deputies and Gold Cross Ambulance. We also want to thank the folks who were recreating at the trail system for their patience and understanding as we packaged and transported the injured hiker. We wish the patient a speedy recovery.

#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou  #MountainBikeTeam #SoThatOthersMayLive #GoldCrossAmbulance

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