SAR received a call on Wednesday, October 23, at 12:39 p.m. about an injured 65 year old female hiker on the trail above the 13th hole at Cedar Ridge golf course. An Iron County Sheriff’s deputy and 3 medical personnel were first on scene, and it was determined the subject had sustained a possible broken right hip. Search and Rescue arrived shortly after and made their way to the scene, which was a short distance from the road.
After assessing the location and possible injuries, it was decided she could be transported with a stokes basket. However, because of the terrain, the determination was made to transport her back along the trail since the location where the rescue personnel had used to get to the scene had some very steep inclines. Going back along the trail offered a smoother surface and no difficult inclines.
The patient was loaded into the stokes basket, which also gave us another opportunity to use our new basket wheel that helped with a smoother and safer ride for rescuers and the patient. The group transported the patient to the trailhead located in the residential area, where they met the ambulance and transported her to the hospital from there.
There were 7 SAR members, 1 Iron County Sheriff’s Deputy, and 3 members of the medical crew from Gold Cross Ambulance involved in the rescue. We would like to wish the injured party a speedy recovery!
The call was completed and closed at 3:45 p.m.
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