ICSSAR Call-Out Summary

Female Severely Sprained Ankle

October 15, 2022

At 12:48 P.M. on Saturday, October 15, 2022, Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers responded to an alert of a female with a broken ankle on the Spectra Point Trail in Cedar Breaks National Monument.  11 ICSSAR volunteers responded, along with 1 Iron County Sheriff’s Deputy and 2 Park Rangers. The team used 1 stokes basket with a wheel, one air splint to immobilize her ankle during the transport and one side by side to assist in the transport back to her vehicle.  Although the initial call came in as a broken ankle, it was determined it was not a break but a severely sprained ankle.  Nevertheless, the patient was unable to hike out on her own, and we were glad to be there to assist. She declined an ambulance because her family was able to transport her from the park. The female patient was assisted into her vehicle by ICSSAR volunteers. The mission concluded at approximately 4:05 P.M. It was a pleasure working in collaboration with the Iron County Sheriff’s Deputy and Park Rangers.  We wish the patient a speedy recovery. 

#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou  #CedarBreaksNationalMonument #FederalParkRangers #SpectraPointTrail

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