ICSSAR Training
June 7-8, 2024
Fishlake National Forest
Sevier County Sheriff’s Office hosted their annual Fishlake SAR Conference last week and did an amazing job. The weekend long event included a variety of training opportunities to include:
Case studies
Mohave tracking class
SAR knot training
CPR certification
Veterinarian Medicine
The Utah National Guard also attended to provide helicopter training to familiarize volunteers with hoist operations and loading/unloading passengers.
Not only is this a fantastic opportunity to refine our technical skills and learn new skills, but it also brings the volunteers and families together for a great weekend away.
Photo Credit:
Commander: Bert Mitchell
Captain: Gary Orton
2nd LT: Jim Harmon
Volunteers: Curtis Stevenson, Dusty Brindley, Andrew Johnson
#WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #SupportSAR #FishlakeNF #Training #HelicoptersinSAR #K9Team