Iron County Sheriff Search and Rescue Drone Team is an elite group of individuals who train diligently in order to provide the best assistance they can when they are deployed.
We have a handful of certified drone pilots on the team, as well as other members who assist as a second pair of eyes for the pilot. These men and women train and challenge themselves to be able to spot people and objects from a birds eye view, which is more difficult than it may seem. You can help our pilots by becoming more visible to drones and helicopters. Here is an article on how to do so.
The specialty teams of Search and Rescue consist of members of Search and Rescue who want to specialize in a specific area of Search and Rescue. They still attend regular meetings, and help out with the other areas of Search and Rescue, but are the first to be called if their specialty team is needed. They volunteer their time and energy in ways that go above and beyond and we thank them for their service to their community. To donate to the team, please visit Support the Team.