ICSSAR Call-Out Summary

Kanarra Mountain Rd and Upper Basin Rd Unknown Accident November 8, 2022 At 9:49 P.M. on Tuesday November 8, 2022, Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers received a call-out containing coordinates to an Unknown Accident. The Audi Connect CARE system sent an automatic crash notification to the Iron Read more…

Team Recognition

During our Monday evening meeting on November 7, 2022, two of our volunteers were recognized for their contributions to the team. Brian Cotham spearheaded the Auction of our Snowmobiles in August raising 26K for our team and has further secured support from local organizations to help gear our volunteers and Read more…

Team Recognition

Sheriff Ken Carpenter and the Iron County Sheriffs Office recognized Cpl. Michael Hilleger for his unselfish assistance to a stranded mother and her children. He made sure she had food and a room for the night when she became stranded. Cpl. Hilleger serves as the Iron County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Read more…

Team Recognition

During our Monday evening meeting on October 3, 2022, one of our volunteers, Heber Barlow was recognized for going above and beyond. During last month’s fair in Parowan he spent a lot of his personal time prepping the parking areas to make it easier for the team to direct cars Read more…

Buck Naegle

Buck was born and raised in Yerington Nevada.  He moved to Cedar City Utah in 1979.  In 1992, a good friend of Buck’s introduced him to the Search and Rescue Team. Buck has held every Officers seat available, including Commander, Captain, Sargent, and Lieutenant.  He now holds the position of Read more…