On Feb. 02, 2025 at 08:15 p.m., Iron County Search & Rescue was called to assist in locating a juvenile runaway from a wilderness program in an area approximately 42 miles Northwest of Cedar City. Upon arriving on site at approximately 9:45 p.m., members of SAR made contact with the staff and determined a likely last known point.

An area was discovered to contain the footprints of the subject. A K9 and handler as well as 2 spotters were deployed to attempt to determine a direction of travel and track the subject. The K9 team was able to find and follow a scent trail and a 4-man ground tracking team accompanied by a staff member began following the tracks. At this point, a drone was also launched and a helicopter from SUU joined in the air search.

Other ground and K9 teams were directed to spread out along a road and throughout the area to determine if the subject had doubled back and passed back through at a different location.

The subject was located by a staff member approximately 5 miles from the last known point shortly before midnight in good health and returned safely to the facility. SAR deployed 4 trucks, 1 Side X Side, 1 helicopter and 1 drone as well as 4 K9 teams. The response team included 16 SAR members, 3 Iron County Sheriff Deputies and an SUU helicopter group. All personnel returned safely and the call was closed at 01:30 a.m.


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