ICSSAR Summer Training
June 29, 2024
Woods Ranch Recreational Area
The ICSSAR team got together for a multi scenario and land navigation training on Saturday, June 29th. We also had paramedic students from Southwest Tech College in attendance with us. The training was developed with multiple goals. The command staff wanted to increase ICSSAR team competency with land navigation uses compasses and GPS points. One of the scenarios was locating a plane that had crashed and assessing, packaging and transporting the patients. Another goal of the command staff was to increase ICSSAR team comfort with operating ATVs for those team members who are less familiar with operating ATVs. And finally, there is no better way to keep your skills sharp with various equipment and methods than to apply it in a safe scenario. Having these trainings helps us to ensure that team members are familiar with setting up the stokes basket and ensuring the most ease and comfort for patients with loading and transporting them in a stokes basket. Thank you to all of the volunteers and paramedic students who took time out of their summer saturday to participate in this important training. Thank you to the team members who captured some fantastic pictures!
1st Sgt Ben Barlow
Volunteer Matt Goodman
Drone team for the aerial footage.
#ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #SARTraining #SupportSAR