Vehicle stuck on SR 143

January 7, 2024

The Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Snow Team were activated to respond to a vehicle stuck on SR 143 with two occupants inside.  The call came in at 8:52 PM.  A visiting couple from Texas was staying in Brian Head.  They visited Bryce Canyon and on their way back their rental car got stuck in a snow drift on SR 143. We dispatched 4 snowmobiles and 1 tracked Canam. Because some of the snow drifts were 5′-8′ tall the Canam could not reach them. The snowmobiles reached the stranded individuals and confirmed they were warm and had enough fuel in the rental car to keep them warm and dry while we dispatched the Snow Cat. The team members on snowmobile’s stayed with the individuals until the Snow Cat arrived. The Snow Cat was used to safely transport the individuals back to the place that they were staying in Brian Head. The wind was blowing very hard and sometimes the visibility was only 10′ in front of the rescuers. The temperature was below 5 degrees, and the wind was blowing 20-35 mph! With the wind chill, it was very cold. The mission concluded at 4:14 AM. 

We want to remind everyone of the importance to have enough supplies, coats, water, and fuel for the vehicle when venturing out during the winter months, especially when you travel into the high country.  Another reminder is to never separate from the vehicle or other members of their party. These people did all of that and returned home safe.

Photo Credit: Thank you to 1st Sgt Ben Barlow, 1st LT Heber Barlow and Volunteer Andrew Johnson for the fantastic photos  and videos that really capture the traitorous conditions last night.

#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SupportSAR #SoThatOthersMayLive #SnowTeam #WinterStorm #KnowBeforeYouGo

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