Forebay Pond, Parowan Canyon
December 30, 2023
The Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers received an invite from the Brain Head Marshall’s Office to attend their Ice Rescue Training. We started with making a hole in the ice to mimic if someone had fallen in. We then practiced different methods to recover them. We did a rope bag throw from shore, using a shovel or a stick to help pull them back to shore. And our final one was having the rescuer getting in the water and putting a pad that also floats, to help get them get up on top of the ice. Everyone had the opportunity to be the victim and then the rescuer.
A HUGE thank you to the Marshall’s Office for extending the invite to our team. We truly appreciate the relationship we have with the multiple agencies in Southern Utah. Our ability to train together helps our collaboration when we need to respond to a true medical emergency in the field. And thank you to Parowan City Mayor, Mollie Halterman, for also participating in the training.
Photo Credit: Thank you to 1st Sgt Ben Barlow and Volunteer Tim Mulcahy for the fantastic photos of the training!
#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SupportSAR #SoThatOthersMayLive #Parowan #BrianHeadMarshallsOffice #IceRescue #Training #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork