Dry Lakes area, Brian Head
Female back injury
December 25, 2023
At 1:30 P.M. on Monday, December 25, 2023, Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers received an alert to dispatch the SAR snow rescue team. Dispatch stated an adult female injured on a snowmobile in the Dry Lakes area above Brian Head; (likely a back injury from a possible compression, she and her husband were on a machine together, they hit a bump which caused her to lift off the seat and they hit another bump as she was coming back down). Access was limited to snow vehicles only. We used 4 snowmobiles and our tracked ATV. There were 7 SAR personnel, 3 members of the ICSO and 2 members of the Gold Cross Ambulance service involved as well as a small number of local business owners and residents of Brian Head. The patient was loaded onto a rescue sled and transported by snowmobile to the waiting ambulance in Brian Head. Mission wrapped up at approximately 5:30 P.M.