Parowan, Utah

September 4, 2023

Many of your Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers were busy this weekend helping and participating in the Iron County Fair.  Please join me in thanking all the volunteers who helped to park cars all weekend at the fair grounds.  If it weren’t for them, many of you might still be stuck in the parking lot.  😉 Kidding Kidding. #WeWouldComeGetYou

In addition to parking cars, our very own Curtis Stevenson also ran the 5k in Parowan! Kudos Curtis!

And finally, many of our volunteers participated in the parade.  They were on horseback, in our ICSSAR vehicles and on foot.    It’s a big weekend for Iron County and a big lift for our volunteers.  As Curtis said it best, I think many of them can agree that they slept great last night after the long busy weekend.

A tremendous thank you to 1st LT Jim (Jimmers) Harmon for the pictures.  He always takes time to capture the fun moments!

#IronCountySheriffSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #SupportSAR #LaborDay #IronCountyFair

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