Iron County Sheriff Junior Deputy Academy

Kanarra Falls Mock Rescue

June 20, 2023

The Iron County Sheriff’s Office (ICSO) offers an annual Junior Deputy Academy to give students an inside look into the world of Law Enforcement.  We are humbled to participate with the Sheriff’s Office and to be a part of this training academy.  Our volunteer team works closely with the ICSO Deputies during rescues and recoveries.  During this mock rescue, it’s a collaborative partnership with the ICSO Deputies, ICSO/ICSSAR Ropes Team and the ICSSAR team.  We demonstrate how to secure an injured hiker to a stokes basket and use the equipment of the Ropes team to lower them below the ladders and then transport them out to the waiting ambulance. The training and demonstration began at 130pm and concluded at 4pm. 

We wish the Junior Deputies the best of luck while they complete their program with the ICSO.   

Head over to our YouTube channel to view some of the videos!  Iron County Sheriff Search and Rescue – YouTube

#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #IronCountySheriffsOffice #ICSO #JuniorDeputyAcademy #KanarraFalls

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