Iron County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue (ICSSAR) is excited to announce the establishment of a new specialty team to aid in the mission of the ICSSAR.  We have recently added a Mountain Bike (MB) specialty team.  The MB team is primarily used as a hasty response for locating a lost subject, or for reaching an injured subject faster.  Iron County contains a robust ATV trail system as well as pedestrian trails that allow MB’s.  Some of the pedestrian trails do not have road access, therefore, the use of MB’s can be paramount in transferring gear and providing initial first aid to a subject pending arrival of the rest of the team on foot.  The addition of the MB team compliments the other specialty teams with ICSSAR.  They will conduct a quick and thorough search of the immediate area where the subject was last seen. The MB Team essentially jump-starts the search process by gathering information, like clues or tracks, to isolate a specific area of the subject’s possible location or direction of travel. The MB team will be used in both wilderness, rural and urban settings, as well as with community events and parades.

Be on the lookout for our newest team on the trails this summer.  They will be conducting team training events on many of the popular trails to ensure their familiarization to aid in hasty responses. 

#IronCountySheriffSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #SoThatOthersMayLive #MountainBikesInSAR #MountainBikeTeam

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