Kanarra Mountain Rd and Upper Basin Rd

Unknown Accident

November 8, 2022

At 9:49 P.M. on Tuesday November 8, 2022, Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers received a call-out containing coordinates to an Unknown Accident. The Audi Connect CARE system sent an automatic crash notification to the Iron County Sheriff’s Dispatch Team. The Sheriff’s office obtained the phone numbers of the owner of the vehicle and attempted to make contact. After unsuccessful attempts, the decision was made to dispatch Search and Rescue due to the torrential weather and rough conditions. 14 ICSSAR volunteers responded, along with the Iron County Sheriff’s Deputy, Cpl Hilleger. The team transported two 4-Wheelers and four Side by Sides, they also had on stand-by the Snowcat and Snowmobiles pending road conditions. The team staged at Highway 91 and deployed two of the covered Side by Sides to scout the area. They encountered traitorous driving conditions, up to 65 mph wind gusts causing near white out conditions and lightning. They were able to locate vehicle tracks which they followed as far as they could see them but never identified an area of a potential collision or crash. The snow was coming down so fast when the team was heading back down the mountain, their tracks were already covered. In all the responding volunteers covered 36 miles of terrain that focused on the GPS coordinates received by dispatch and had to clear multiple downed trees blocking the road.  They could not find any signs of a collision or crash and concluded the mission at 3:30 A.M. The Sheriff’s Office is still investigating the cause of the crash alert.

A huge thank you to Robert Lyons and Ben Barlow for taking the amazing pictures and videos capturing the tough weather and road conditions. Make sure to head to our YouTube Channel for the videos! The link to our Channel can be located at the bottom of the Home Page or the Contact Us Page.

#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou  #KanarraMountainRoad #WinterStorm #WinterIsHere  

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