ICSSAR Call-Out Summary
Female Broken Ankle
At 4:08 P.M. on Monday, October 10, 2022, Iron County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (ICSSAR) Volunteers responded to an alert of a female with a broken ankle on Hidden Haven Trail in Brian Head Utah. 12 ICSSAR volunteers responded, along with 2 Brian Head Marshall Deputies and 2 members of the Gold Cross Ambulance. The team used 1 stokes basket with a wheel and one air splint to immobilize her ankle during the transport to the waiting ambulance. The female patient was loaded in the ambulance at approximately 6:05 P.M. We are thankful for the incredible interagency collaboration and communication. We wish the patient a speedy recovery.
Note: The team typically doesn’t take group photos at the scene of an incident, however, it was the request of the very grateful husband to get a photo of us with his injured wife in the ambulance. The photo taken for the purposes of this post had the ambulance door closed to maintain the privacy of the injured patient.
#IronCountySheriffsSearchAndRescue #ICSSAR #WeWillAlwaysComeToYou #GoldStarAmbulance #BrianHeadUtah #BrianHeadMarshalls #HiddenHavenTrail